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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

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Awards for Muslim students

List of Organisations offering Awards to Muslim students

Ajmal Foundation
Awards through Ajmal Talent Search Examination (Class III to XII); Apply by
September end each year to appear in the exam.L ast Date of Application 30
November; Date of Exam: 21 January (Sunday)
Secretary, ATS Examination, College Road, Hojai, Nagaon, Assam – 782435,
India,Tel. 03674-254514, Fax: 253199, Mob: 9435062706


Anjuman Farz-e-Momir
540, Sufi Tola, Masjid Kale Khan, Old City, Bareilly-43005

Scheme: Farz-e-Momin Award to all students of U.P securing lst Division in
High School and Intermediate Examination.

Aqsa Educational & Charitable Trust
Vinobhangar, Tumkur – 572101, Karnataka
Tel. 0816-2211457, 2275786 Email:


Scheme: Conducts Islamic open course Examination and distributes awards to

Nakadar Foundation
Pir Bordi Chakla KADI 382715 Distt Mehsana, North Gujarat

Scheme: Every year Gold Medal is awarded to Muslim students of High School
and Intermediate of each state who secure more than 75% marks. (Three top
students from each state and the country.)

Mr. M R Sherwani
12-A Connaught place New Deihi 110001

Criteria: On the basis of information furnished by the school/college (Only
First Divisioners are expected to get the cash prize/award)
Scheme: Sherwani Award to outstanding students who have passed out High
School/ Intermediate Examination of any board.