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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

இதனை நண்பர்களுக்கு அறிமுகப்படுத்த இதனை நண்பர்களுக்கு அறிமுகப்படுத்த அச்செடுக்க அச்செடுக்க 2,209 முறை படிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது!

Coaching to Muslim students

List of Organisations offering coaching to Muslim students
Alif Academy
Career guidance and counseling at the beginning of academic year. No
coaching courses or regular classes.
Contact Person: (Haji) Husain Ali Dharamsi
Address: 53/ 3, Kantharia Mahal, LBS Marg, Kamani, Kurla (West), Mumbai –
Mob. (0) 989 210 8249; Email:


Coaching and Guidance Centre, AMU
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Group A
1. Civil Services
2. P.C.S (U.P., M.P., Rajasthan)
3. Indian Engineering. Services
4. Indian Economic/Statistical Services
5. Indian Forest Services
6. Judicial Services Examination
7. Coaching for language improvement
Group B
1. SSC, Combined Graduate Level Examination,
2. Asstt. Commandants Central Police Organisation
3. Probationary Officer
4. Bank, L.I.C , G.I.C, * Excise & Income Tax
5. Railways, U.P.S.C.(SCRAS)
6. Asstt. Grade- Asstt Grade Administrative Officers
7. NDA, Sub Inspector, Prelim Exam, C.D.S, S.I.S.
8. Combined Entrance Test ( M.B.A., M.l.B.M, M.F.C., M.T.A., M.S.W.)
Group C
1. B-Tech
2 . Pre- Medical Test Note:
1. Coaching Programme will be of three months’
2. Stipends available for selected students
3. Selection on merit plus personality test.
4. Application invited on prescribed form.

Crescent career Guidance and Coaching Centre
Vandalur, Chennai – 600048

Scheme: Free coaching and lodging for weaker sections, Particularly Muslims

Crescent Educational Foundation
B.61 C K Road, Chanpatana, Bangalore Dist.Karnataka, email :


; Tel ++91-80-7251143 / 54443; Mobile ++91-9844143530;
PRO: Mr. Syed Ajmal

Criteria : Students from Muslim community (irrespective of any school of
thought) but he/she must be from Chanpatana city only
Scheme: Coaching for Xth grade, guidance for professional courses.

Education and Career Guidance Center (ECGC)
Panoor, Pallana P.O. Alappuzha District
Kerala State PIN 690515
Chief Coordinator Mr. Abdul Khader (Basheer)
Tel. 0477-229-7614 (Home)

Organize career guidance programs for students starting from high school
level. A small library. CIGI (Career Information Guidance India) will help
ECGC in this program by sending their resource persons for handling these

Hamdard Study Circle
Talimabad, Sangam Vihar, New Delhi 110062

Scheme: Coaching for Minorities Selection on the basis of examination and

Larkspur House of Learning
(Peronalised Coaching Centre)
3/4, Berlie Street Cross, Langford town, Bangalore – Tel. 080-22727183,

M.P. Waqf Board
Taj Campus, Near Tajul Masajid,Royal Market, Bhopal – 462001 ( M.P.)
Tel. 0755-5256067, Fax 2543175 Email:


Short-term classes for the students of the economically weaker section of
the society in: Computer; Spoken English; Urdu, Arabic

Momin’ Students Welfare Trust
MSW Career Guidance & Information Center, # 157 / A, 4th ‘C’ Cross, Behind
Naseem PolyClinic, Ilyasnagar, J.P. Nagar Post, Bangalore – 78; Email:


, Mobile: 9845567687

Scheme: Conducts a series of free programs offering essential career
guidance & in depth information on career for students in selecting their
career. Workshops on career opportunities after SSLC / PUC & Counselling
individual students. Guidance for students appearing for CET (Karnataka).

Noor Jahan Foundation, Hyderabad
Scheme: Coaching to minority students for the I.A.S., I.P.S., Group-1,
Banks and Railways Examinations with free boarding and lodging to the
poorest deserving students.

Periyar I.A.S. & I.P.S. Coaching Centre
Periyar Thidal Vepery, Chennai 600007

Scheme: Free coaching for minorities and socially and educationally
backward classes

Upward Bound Program Coaching Centres

Centres: Patna (Bihar), Muzaffarpur (Bihar), Bharuch (Gajarat), Okhla
(Delhi), Aligarh (U.P.)

Patna Muslim School UB Center (Patna, Bihar)
Dr. S.M. Nezami (Director of Program) – Tel: 0-612-2671104


Ayub Urdu Girls High UB School Center (Patna, Bihar)
Mrs.Rehana Ibrahim (Principal) Murshida Bano (Incharge UBP) – Tel:


Abdus Samad Girls School Center (Patna, Bihar)
Mr. Barkat Ali Khan & Mrs Rehana Khatoon (Incharge UBP)


Al-Hira School UB Center (Patna, Bihar)
Mohammed Anwar (Inchage UBP)
Tel: 0-612-2660644 (S) 0-612-2691898 (R) 91-612-3091669 (F) 91-612-3115834


Muzaffarpur UB Center (Patna, Bihar)
Dr. Syed Nizamuddin (Director of Program) Janab Naqui Ahmad – Tel:


Bharuch UB Center (Gujrat)
Maulana Habibur Rahman Matadar & Dr. Ismail Adam Patel (Director of

Tel: 91-2642-2266518; 91-2642-2242122


Aligarh UB Center (U.P)
Mr. Amanullah Khan (Director of Program) – Tel: 91-571-2703865;


Delhi UB Center
Dr. Zafar Mahmood (Director of Program) – Tel: 91-11-26827128;
